Welcome to beautiful Iran!

This website is all about the beautiful but unknown Iran beyond politics and doctrines. It is not about the Iran you might see in the news. It’s about a beautiful country and its wonderful people. Here you will discover impressive landscapes, magnificent architecture, vibrant cities, traditional villages, a very rich and ancient culture and above all: the most hospitable, most friendly and welcoming people.
Over the past few years I’ve travelled to Iran on several journeys. Each trip has brought me back home with so many new and fascinating experiences, that I finally decided to share them.

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Discover some amazing facts about Iran.
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Travel Tips

Here you will find some helpful travel tips .
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Dicover famous places, such as Shiraz, Isfahan, Persepolis and many more.
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About me

Hi there! My name is Sophie. I was born in Paris. Then I became Iranian by marriage.
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Das Buch zur Website

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When you travel in Iran you will inevitably come in contact with the locals, since Iranians are a very openhearted.
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Beautiful places in Iran

Isfahan - Half the World

Isfahan, world famous city of blue mosques, city of bridges, paradisiacal gardens and palaces, imperial residence, ...
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Tehran - Vibrant Metropolis

The young capital of Iran is located on the slopes of the Alborz Mountains between 1100 m and 1700 m above sealevel.
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Shiraz - City of Roses

Shiraz is often called the city of poets, of blooming gardens and singing nightingal.
Shiraz is also home to 2 million inhabitants.
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Persepolis - Antique Persia

The magnificent ruins of the ancient city of Persepolis are one of the must-sees in Iran. Here you will get an idea of the former glory ...
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Shomal - Tehran's green Garden

Shomal - the North of Iran - inevitably awakens the dream of holidays, of relaxation and happiness in many Tehranis.
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Kashan - Capital of Roses

The oasis city of Kashan is the capital of rose water. In May, when the small Damascene roses are blooming…
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Yazd - Jewel in the Desert

With its mud brick houses, wind towers and underground workshops, Yazd is a typical desert town with a characteristic architecture.
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Meybod - Mudbrick Town

The mud brick town of Meybod is situated about 50 km north of Yazd. Recent archeologic excavations suggest that the…
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Nain - More than Carpets

The small town of Nain is located on the edge of the desert at the junction between Isfahan, Kashan and…
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