Shopping in Tehran

Colourful shop in Tehran

Shop selling scarves

Parvaneh - the Shopkeeper

Parvaneh is a young woman with dyed blonde hair and pink lips. She runs a lingerie shop in a shopping mall in the center of Isfahan. This is where I get to know her, when I have to do some shopping for my sick mother-in-law.

Parvaneh’s little business is doing well, as she offers a wide range of highly fashionable lingerie. Isfahan’s women come to her and get extensive advice on the latest fashion trends.

When I enter the shop, the young shopkeeper greets me cheerfully:
-"Salam Azizam - hello darling."
Then I tell the shopkeeper, what I am looking for. She takes out a whole pile of all sorts of underwear of many different colors. She is very enthusiastic:
-"These are only the best goods from abroad. You will see your mother-in-law will be delighted. Old ladies love to wear beautiful underwear."

While I’m examining the extravagant lingerie, the shopkeeper turns back to some other customer. The lady takes two elegant full body lingeries with sparkling glass stones all over them. Then the two women start bargaining and finally agree on the price. The two women start bargaining and finally agree on the price. Now the customer hands her credit card to the shopkeeper. As the saleswoman slides the card into the appropriate device, she routinely asks her customer:
-"What is your PIN?" Whereupon the lady carelessly tells her the PIN of her card.

After the other customer has left the shop, the shopkeeper turns back to me. She seems thrilled:
-"Oh, that’s a good choice. I’m sure your mother-in-law will be delighted.” Then she folds the underwear carefully and puts it into a carrier bag. Now we too, have to bargain and finally agree on a reasonable price for both of us.

Once the deal is completed, Parvaneh starts a conversation with me:
-"And how do you like Isfahan?" She asks me, without even expecting an answer. Then she goes on:
-"Last year I visited my sister in Los Angeles. She lives there with her husband, who is working as a doctor over there. But I didn't like it at all. My sister wanted to find me a husband in America, but what should I want there? I have the best life here in Isfahan; Iran is the best place in the world and I have my own shop here. No, I would never go anywhere else. For nothing in the world."

And so she continues to run her boutique in Isfahan, giving good advice to her customers, haggling with them about the price of her merchandise and operating her various credit card terminals.