Shomal - Tehran's green Garden

Shomal - the North of Iran - inevitably awakens the dream of holidays, of relaxation and happiness in many Tehranis. The journey from Tehran over the high Alborz mountain range to the Caspian Sea takes a long three to four hours with innumerable road turns. However, a new expressway is currently under construction.
Coming from the dry and arid Tehran you will find yourself suddenly in a completely different world as soon as you get over the mountain range: Lush green fields of rice, cotton and tea, fruits and vegetables as well as dense green forests. This is because the north slopes of the Alborz are on the rainy side of the mountain range with a mild and very humid climate. On Persian New Year or for summer holidays Tehran’s population loves to come here with the whole family. They rent a villa or a large apartment and enjoy the holiday together with all the other members of the big family.

Things to discover in Shomal


On the way from Tehran to Amol near the Caspian coast you drive past the foot of the imposing Mount Damavand. Majestically, this former volcano dominates all the other peaks. With its height of 5671 m above sea level, it is Iran's highest mountain and at the same time the highest volcano in Asia. The summit is covered with snow all year round. The mountain can also be climbed. The ascent is long but requires no special climbing experience. However, one should not underestimate the mountain. Avalanches, rockfalls and especially the escaping sulfur vapors as well as the thin air make the ascent difficult. Therefore, most of us will have to be content to admire Mount Damavand by simply looking at its perfect shape without having any ambitions of climbing to the top.

Shomal: Rice Fields


Some 15 km west of Chalus there is the recreational area of Namakabrud. It is one of many holiday paradises on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. It is beautifully located with the beaches of the Caspian Sea in the north and the steep slopes of the Alborz covered with a dense green forest in the south. There are numerous hotels, apartment houses as well as many villa cities where tourists, most of them coming from Tehran, can stay overnight. In summer they like to have a bath in the sea – however in separate swimming sections for men and women. Or else they take a ride in the cable car going up the mountain and enjoy the breath-taking views over the sea and the mountains. On the top they also go hiking in the dense forest, they have a picknick with the family or they enjoy having a ride on the toboggan run. For the kids there is also a big amusement park next to the huge car parking and of course you will find many restaurants and snack bars there.

Ab'ali - Dugh City

Dugh is something like the Iranian national drink, next to tea of course. You will find the refreshing drink of yoghurt, water, a little salt and mint on every restaurant menu, but it is a must to drink when you eat grilled meat. Traditionally, dugh was freshly prepared at home and supplemented with a few ice cubes before serving. In the mid-sixties of the last century, an inventive man in the village of Ab'ali north of Tehran came up with the idea of producing dugh industrially. He carbonated the drink and then filled it into practical bottles. The sparkling yoghurt drink was immediately a true selling success and quickly became known throughout the whole country. Even today, the Ab'ali factory is one of the largest manufacturing locations for dugh. The village now lives on the selling of its national drink. On the main street, you will find one shop next to the other, all of them selling the same Ab’ali dugh.

Shores of the Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is the world's largest landlocked body of water. Whether it is the world's largest lake or a continental sea, is not yet clear. Over the centuries, Caspian Sea levels have changed depending on climatic conditions throughout the time. Now, its surface is about 27 m below sea level. Its water has a salinity of about a third of the salinity of oceans. Several big rivers discharge into the Caspian Sea such as the Volga on Russian side, but the sea has no natural outflow other than by evaporation. Thus, the water gets slowly more and more salty. While the sea is very shallow in the northern part, the sea bed in the southern part reaches as deep as 1’023 m below sea level, which is the second lowest natural depression on Earth after Lake Baikal with 1’180 m below sea level. Several sturgeon species are native to the Caspian Sea. The sturgeon’s eggs are processed into high quality caviar. However, overfishing is a major issue and has led to a dramatic diminution of the sturgeon population