Marriage is always a matter of the whole familiy

Every marriage requires countless discussions in the family

Especially the women have to consider every aspect of the future alliance

Kambis - the Bridegroom

Behzad has been living abroad for more than twenty years now. He lives in a small apartment and works as a salesperson in a large department store. His family would like to see him settled with a wife and some children. He has had two or three girlfriends abroad, but it was not always easy to get on with them. And so, the time has gone by and he is still unmarried. Perhaps he should actually start to look for a suitable wife in his home country Iran. Others have successfully done so before him.

No sooner has he spoken out his thoughts when things get rolling at home in Iran. The women in the family start to look for suitable candidates and soon there are several young women to choose from.

Now Behzad travels to Iran and takes a closer look at the candidates. His eyes soon fall on pretty Elham. She is tall and extremely attractive. In addition, she comes from a good family, has studied and is a distant cousin of a friend.

Behzad first meets her in a Dizi restaurant. They are both shy and exchange only a few words. To Behzad she seems to be a reasonable person while she could well imagine starting a new life abroad with him. They start to go out together to get to know each other closer. They meet in a park or a restaurant. Usually, a few female relatives are never far away.

Behzad and Elham meet again every day for the next week and things are starting to get really serious. Since Behzad will soon have to fly back home, there is no time to be wasted. An official appointment for the “Khastegari”, the official engagement visit, is arranged with the bride's family.

A few weeks after the first meeting, a delegation from Behzad's family sets out to meet Elham’s family. The two families should get to know each other and discuss the modalities for the further procedure for a quick engagement.

The guests are invited to sit down in the elegant sitting room an soon afterwards the future bride steps in with the tea tray. While she goes around offering a glass of tea to each of the guests, they observe her attentively. Later on, the men discuss financial aspects of the possible marriage.

Behzad and Elham spend some more days with each other. They go shopping together, meet for tea and they have endless discussions about their future life. They also start organizing everything for the upcoming engagement.

But after Behzad’s return to Europe, everything drags on. Again and again, she puts him off and finally it becomes clear that she is not so sure whether this marriage is the right thing for her.

Four years later, Behzad, once again starts looking for a wife in Iran. A friend of the family has found a suitable young lady. She is a 23-year-old geography teacher and they get married after a couple of weeks.